Monday, October 27, 2008

Academic Vocab with Examples

A myth is a story or legend that can give an explanation to natural phenomena, human psychology, or theological questions. These stories can be interpreted as metaphors or as fact. An example of a myth is the story of Enuma Elish.

A hero is a person recognized for courageous feats, or for being the founder of a new idea that benefits his community. An example of a hero is Hercules, a hero of Greek Mythology.

The Hero Journey is a formatted cycle of events that defines the path each hero must take to become a hero. An example of a hero journey is the life story of Theseus, a hero from Greek Mythology.

Anything universal can relate to all things in existence. An example of something universal is the concept of death, every living thing must face it at some point.

An archetype is the base or foundation of a structure or idea, in creation, three archetypal images are the egg, the watery abyss, the void. An example of an archetype is the hero journey, every hero must follow that same basic path.

Something cyclical is a pattern that eventually leads back to the beginning. An example of something cyclical is the hero journey, it follows a pattern and returns to its starting point in the end.

Duality is the concept of the balance of two things existing together at one time. An example of duality is the balance between day and night.

Creation is the beginning or building of something new out of nothing. An example of creation is the Chinese myth of the production of the universe out of a watery abyss.

A matriarchal society has a woman for its prominent leader. The Earth is often referred to as being a woman, or “Mother Earth”, this is an example of matriarchal.

A patriarchal society has a man for its prominent leader, the more typical society. The sky in many myths is referred to as being a man, or “Father Sky”, this is an example of a patriarchal.

Sacrifice is giving something up in exchange for something else, usually something better. An example of sacrifice is when in the Theseus myth when he offers himself to be taken to the minotaur.

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