Monday, December 1, 2008

Gillette, Eric. "Thor." 1999. Drawing. Thor. 12-1-08.

Vikings-from Norway, Finland, Sweden. A cold, harsh climate, culture based around the sea.
Ginnungagap-a dark void.
Nifleheim-land of fog and ice.
Muspellheim-land of fire
Yggdrasil-World Ash Tree, connects the three worlds to eachother
Asgard-home of the gods
Midgard-home of the humans
Hel-Loki's daughter, and the home of the dead
Bifrost Bridge-divine bridge that links the human and god world
Ymir-Wild fierce, evil frost giant, two giants came out of his sweat while he was sleeping.
Odin-God of storm and night
Frigg-wife of odin, "cloud spinner", most powerfull goddess
The Valkyries-the choosers of the slain
The Norns-the fate maidens; past present future
Thor-god of thunder, odin's son
Balder-son of odin and frigg, god of radiance, rebirth, justice and light
Njord-Odin's "brother", patron of the sailors, father of Frey and Freya
Frey- god of fertility, prosperity, sun and rain
Freya- goddess of fertility, beauty, magic, war and death
Idunn-Goddess of youth, odin's daughter in law, keeper of the golden apples
Loki-son of giants, half blood god, he is an evil god, he is a trickster with many disguises
Fenrir-"the Wolf Destroyer", son of Loki
Jormungandr- "the World Serpent", son of Loki
Ragnarok-Doomsday, final battle where Loki and his children and the giants battle the gods to the death
Runes-Pebbles with designs on them that can be used for communication of fortune telling.